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Page Two is the second extended play (EP) by South Korean girl group Twice. The album was released digitally and physically on April 25, 2016 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by KT Music. It contains seven tracks, including the lead single, "Cheer Up". Page Two has the most first-week sales out of all K-pop girl group releases in 2016.
"Cheer Up" was composed by Black Eyed Pilseung and is a blend of several different genres. The accompanying music video, in which the members parody characters from famous films, went viral on YouTube soon after release, reaching seven million views in two days.
Background and release[]
On April 11, 2016, JYP Entertainment announced via the band's official Facebook and SNS that the group would release their second mini-album Page Two and single "Cheer Up" on April 25. Two versions of the album, pink and mint, were released in CD format. The first press of 30,000 limited edition copies featured a special sleeve designed by member Chaeyoung. The album was also released as a digital download on various music portals.
- "Cheer Up" - 3:28
- "Precious Love (소중한 사랑)" - 3:51
- "Touchdown" - 3:23
- "Tuk Tok (툭하면 톡)" - 3:17
- "Woohoo" - 3:22
- "My Headphones On (Headphone 써)" - 3:17
- "I'm Gonna Be a Star" (CD only) - 3:18
Official Description[]
음원 역주행, 신인상, 7만장에 육박하는 앨범 판매량, 걸그룹 데뷔곡 기준 역대 최고 Youtube 조회수까지. 작년 하반기를 그야말로 뜨겁게 달궜던 TWICE가 드디어 4월 25일 미니 2집 [PAGE TWO]를 발매하며, 이들의 두번째 이야기를 시작한다. 신인으로서는 유례없는 성적을 일궈냈던 만큼 이번 미니 2집에 대한 팬들의 기대에 보답하기 위해 쉴 틈 없는 일정 속에서도 최고의 앨범을 만들기 위한 최선의 준비를 거듭해왔다.
2집 [PAGE TWO]는 TWICE만의 고유한 매력을 한층 더 강화하면서도 더 많은 색깔을 담기 위한 시도를 놓치지 않았다. 전작 ‘OOH-AHH하게로 자신 있게 선보였던 TWICE만의 유니크 스타일 ‘Color Pop’ 을 기반으로 더 세련된 구성과 다채로운 사운드를 담고 있는 타이틀 곡 Cheer Up을 시작으로, 멤버 채영의 랩 메이킹과 함께 18년 만에 리메이크되는 “소중한 사랑”, TWICE가 가진 활기찬 개성과 똑닮은 다이나믹 사운드의 Touchdown 청량감과 부드러움을 동시에 잡아낸 ‘툭하면 톡’ 힙합, 펑키, 그루브를 하나로 모아, 말 그대로 ‘신나기 이를 데 없는’ ‘어서 우리 세계로 들어오라’는 자신감 넘치는 가사의 Woohoo TWICE만의 독특한 정서로 이별의 슬픔을 표현한 Headphone 써까지. 국내외 정상급 작곡가/ 작사가 및 엔지니어 팀과 함께 한 이번 미니 2집 [PAGE TWO]는 ‘눈으로 한번, 귀로 한번’ 두 번 감동을 주겠다는 TWICE의 각오를 넘어서는, 너무나 매력적인 음악적 스펙트럼을 자랑한다. 여기에 하나 더, Sixteen 때 많은 화제를 낳았던 I'm Gonna Be a Star를 완곡으로 CD에만 수록, 팬들의 기대감을 증폭시키고 있다.
“예쁜 애 옆 예쁜 애 옆 예쁜 애” 라는 수식어가 회자될 정도로 비주얼 매력이 앞서는 TWICE이지만, 팬들 앞에 ‘Group TWICE’로서 더 발전된 모습을 보여드리기 위해 끊임없이 노력해 온 음악적 성장 또한 엿볼 수 있는 이번 앨범은 TWICE의 한층 더 성장한 ‘무궁무진한’ 매력을 보여주기에 조금도 부족함이 없겠다.
나아가 세번째, 네번째 앞으로 펼쳐질 많은 이야기들을 너무나 궁금하게 만들. 새로운 시작점으로서의 즐거움과 의미로 가득 차있다. 이번 앨범을 통해 무엇보다도 팬들에게 한발 더 가까이 다가가고 싶다는 순수한 포부를 밝히고 있는 TWICE. 평균 연령 18세지만 이 당차기 이를 데 없는 9명의 성장을 지켜보고 응원하는 것은 우리 모두가 각자 가지고 있는 꿈을 이뤄 나가는 것과 크게 다르지 않을 것만 같다. 그래서 TWICE를 마주할 때 설레는 마음을 더 감출 수가 없는게 아닐까. 이제 그 설레고 즐겁기 이를 데 없는 마치 놀이동산 같고, 마법 같은 두 번째 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 우리의 눈 앞에 한번, 그리고 우리의 귀에 한번.
The digital song ranks on the reverse lane and continues to rank higher. Wins the Rookie of the Year Award. Sells about 70,000 physical albums. Records the highest YouTube views with the debut song throughout the history of the girl group. TWICE, a group that heated up the second half of the last year finally releases its 2nd mini album [PAGE TWO] on April 25th and starts the 2nd story. Producing unprecedented results as a rookie, the group has put its greatest effort to make the best album despite the busy schedule in order to fulfill the fans’ expectations of this 2nd mini album.
The 2nd album [PAGE TWO] not only reinforces TWICE’s unique charm, but also tries to show more colors in it. Based on TWICE’s unique style of ‘Color Pop’ from the previous title Like Ooh-Ahh, the new title song Cheer Up contains even more refined composition and diverse sound. Starting with “CHEER UP”, the album contains Precious Love, a remake song in 18 years with a member CHAEYOUNG’s rap making, Touchdown, a song with dynamic sound that resembles TWICE’s energetic individuality, Tuk Tok, a song that both contains refreshment and softness, “Woohoo”, a hip-hop, funky, groove song with lyrics full of confidence, and “My Headphones on”, a song that expresses the sorrow of parting in TWICE’s distinctive emotion. Created by top composers/writers and engineers around the world, this 2nd mini album [PAGE TWO] presents a very attractive music spectrum. TWICE will impress the fans ‘once via the eyes, twice via the ears.’ Furthermore, the album amplifies the fans’ expectations by releasing the full version of the hit song from Sixteen called I'm Gonna Be a Star in CD only format.
Although TWICE’s visual is highly attractive as the group is often called “a pretty girl next to a pretty girl next to a pretty girl”, the members endlessly puts an effort to show the fans the development as the ‘Group TWICE’ as well as the musicians. In many ways, the new album is good enough to appeal the grown-up TWICE’s endless charms. Making the listeners to wonder about the 3rd and 4th stories to unfold, the album is full of signification and pleasure of the new starting point. TWICE reveals its pure yet strong ambitions to be one step closer to its fans with this album. Supporting and cheering the growth of the dignified 9 members, despite the group’s average age being 18, is not so much different from each of us achieving own dream. Isn’t that why it is so hard to hide the fluttering heart when facing TWICE? Now the heart fluttering, pleasant, amusement-park-like, magical second story begins to unfold. Once via our eyes, and twice via our ears.
音源逆走、新人賞、7万枚に達するアルバム販売、ガールズグループデビュー曲、歴代最高YouTube視聴回数記録まで。昨年の下半期を熱くしたTWICEがついに4月25日セカンドミニアルバム「PAGE TWO」を発表し、彼女たちのセカンドストーリーが始まった。新人としては、前例がない成績を残し、今作に期待しているファンを満足させるため、最高のアルバムを作り出した。
「PAGE TWO」は、TWICE独自の魅力をより一層強くしながらも、たくさんのカラーを詰めるためチャレンジを欠かさなかった。前作「Like OOH-AHH」で披露したTWICEならではのユニークスタイル「Color Pop」をベースとして、更に洗練された構成と多彩なサウンドを持ったリード曲Cheer Up「CHEER UP」を始め、メンバーであるチェヨンのラップメイキング、そして、18年ぶりにカバーされた「Precious Love」、TWICEが持つ、元気な個性を表現するダイナミックサウンドの「Touchdown」、爽やかさと柔らかさを同時にキャッチした「Tuk Tok」、ヒップホップ・ファンキー・グルーブを一つに合わせて、「楽しくてしょうがない」「早くこっちの世界においでよ!」という自信溢れる歌詞がポイントの「Woohoo」、そして、TWICE特有の感情で別れの悲しみを表現した「My Headphones on」まで。韓国及び海外のトップ作曲家/作詞家及びエンジニアチームと一緒に作り上げた「PAGE TWO」は、「目で1回、耳で1回」2度も感動を与えたい!というTWICEの覚悟を込めた、魅力的な音楽スペクトラムになっている。さらに、SIXTEENの時多くの話題を作った「I’m gonna be a star」をフルバージョンとしてこのCDだけに収録、ファンの期待感を高めている。
「Group TWICE」としてより成長した姿をみせるため、努力し続けてきた音楽面での成長もみれる今作は、TWICEの成長した「無限大」の魅力が込められている。また、これから続く新しいスタートとしての楽しみが詰まっている。今作を通じて何よりもファンにもう一歩近づきたいという純粋な抱負を抱く、TWICE。まるでテーマパークのような、魔法のような、ワクワクが込められた次なるストーリーが始まる。
On April 25, 2016, Twice held a media showcase at Yes 24 Live Hall in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. They performed "Woohoo", "Touchdown", "Precious Love" and "Cheer Up" for the first time at the showcase, which was broadcast live via Naver's V app. The group then promoted the album with a series of televised live performances on various music shows. Their first music show appearance was on M! Countdown on April 28, where they performed "Cheer Up" and "Touchdown". The choreography for "Cheer Up" was slightly changed after Sana's "shy shy shy" line (pronounced "sha sha sha") became a viral meme. Twice won their first music show award on M! Countdown the following week on May 5, and also won on Music Bank and Inkigayo that same week. They concluded promotion for the album on May 29 with a performance on Inkigayo, winning a total of eleven music show awards. The trophy on the May 27 edition of Music Bank was initially awarded to AOA before the show's producers admitted they had miscalculated the album points.
Commercial performance[]
Page Two debuted at number 2 on the Gaon Album Chart and number 6 on the Billboard World Albums chart, with 80,686 units sold during the month of April. It had the highest first-week sales volume for a K-pop girl group in 2016. According to JYP representatives, the pre-order of 30,000 limited edition albums sold out before its official release. As of September 1, the album has sold over 150,000 units.
The songs from the album also performed well digitally. "Cheer Up" charted at number 1 on the Gaon Digital Chart and number 3 on the Billboard World Digital Songs chart. "Precious Love" and "Touchdown" also charted on the Gaon Digital Chart, at numbers 73 and 86 respectively. "Cheer Up" topped the chart for the second time two weeks later. "Cheer Up" was the second best-selling song of 2016 in South Korea, and the most-streamed song as well.
Photo Gallery[]
To view the Page Two gallery, click here. |