[! !]These rules apply to the following message walls, status and threads[! !]
Anyone who breaks the rules below will be dealt with accordingly, depending on the severity of the rule-breaking. If it reaches bans, the length of the ban will vary from anywhere between one week (for minor rule-breaking) to one year (for major rule-breaking).
- We want information on Twice Wiki to be as accurate as possible. If there is information which you may be unsure of, do not add it in.
- Do not erase information unless it is proven false. If you remove information unnecessarily, this will be considered vandalism and this wiki has zero tolerance for vandalism.
- Do not create unnecessary pages that do not have anything to do with Twice, as they will be immediately deleted.
- It'll be much appreciated if you provide an edit summary after you are done with your edit, especially when it comes to a major removal/adding of information.
- Do not advertise anything not related to Twice or create any promotional articles. This wiki is not a free-advertised site for you to create an account and start promoting the site of selling stuffs or fan-site of someone here. Wikis are created for providing knowledge for people, not for promoting or advertising. If you want to affiliate with us or promote another website related to Twice, please contact our Administrators.
- No edit warring - Edit warring is when two or more people are constantly changing a page back and forth, removing each other's edits. Pages will be locked down and users will be warned. If someone is removing content that you deem should be left on a page, contact an Administrator.
Member articles
- It is especially important here that the information in these articles be as accurate as possible.
- All descriptions must be impartial. Sentences containing editorial bias must be rewritten objectively.
- Bad Example: Nayeon is the most beautiful and talented member of Twice.
- Good Example: Nayeon is a member of Twice.
- Descriptive adverbs and adjectives with connotations that convey the author's bias or personal feeling should be left out. Beauty is a matter of opinion. Use pictures along with descriptions to get your point across.
- You may update the image in the member infobox if it is outdated.
- We ask that you do not add members to unnecessary categories, such as categories based on their ethnicity or heritage.
Song articles
- Copy translations of Twice songs from a trustworthy website.
- Do not use translations from Google Translate, due to the inaccuracy of the software itself.
- Please credit the website which you got the translations. Some translators would love to have their work appreciated.
Commenting and Forums
- Treat all members with respect. Be nice. Do not post offensive comments.
- No harassing or flaming.
- No trolling.
- No threatening other members.
- Making racist comments, bigoted comments, or hateful comments towards the forum, other fandoms, members, staff, yourself, or in general is not tolerated. Doing so will result in an immediate and indefinite ban.
- Do not spam. This means posting the same message again and again.
- No bullying (Targeting other members with malicious intent).
- No offensive or sexually explicit usernames, display pictures, signatures, threads, or discussions.
- Try to make your comment on-topic.
- No over-swearing (swearing in a form of spam/ making others uncomfortable).
- No posting paid for content.
- Strings of unreadable text or characters (left to the discretion of the staff).
- Administrators have the right to delete the comment if it is inappropriate.
- Do not advertise anything not related to Twice or create any promotional articles. This wiki is not a free-advertised site for you to create an account and start promoting the site of selling stuffs or fan-site of someone here. Wikis are created for providing knowledge for people, not for promoting or advertising. If you want to affiliate with us or promote another website related to Twice, please contact our Administrators.
- No duplicate posts. Please check before posting news and images.
- Posting about a unrelated topic or that is not related to a on-going conversation is spam.
- About Promoting: This wiki is not a free-advertised site for you to create an account and start promoting the site of selling stuffs or fan-site of someone here. Wikis are created for providing knowledge for people, not for promoting or advertising. However, promoting is acceptable if the site you promote will provide news, or be a source of knowledge to people on the wiki, or if that's the official fan site of this wiki. Also make sure the link you share does not contain any virus or spy/anti software.
Photos and Videos
- Do not upload disturbing/horror images or videos. They will immediately be deleted.
- Pornographic images/videos will result in a permanent ban and a talk with a Wikia staff.
- You can upload images and videos which are not Twice-related here on Twice Wiki. However, it must not have inappropriate content and can only be used in profiles only. No exceptions.
Photo Gallery
- Do not upload the same photo again and again
- Do not upload photos other than Twice-related, you may only do so in profiles only.
- No blurry photos
- If admins found out there is/are repeated photos or not Twice-related photos in the gallery , it will be instantly removed without informing the user.
- Do not upload fan-made or fan edit photos.
- No offensive/racist/harmful/suggestive usernames.
- No duplicate accounts.
- You must be at least 13 years old to own an account. If you are caught under 13 by Wikia, you will be blocked globally.